Course curriculum
Introduction to Fumigation: The basics covered for your theory exam
Part 1- Commonalities
Part 2- The fumigants and how to use them
Part 3- RPE and technical details
Part 4- Detection, CTPs, and Resistance
Part 5- Storage and Transport
Introduction General Background to Fumigation -
The Stages of Every Fumigation Practical Legislation - Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Five Steps to Risk Assessment COSHH Quick Quiz 1 - What have you learned? -
Methyl Bromide Hydrogen Cyanide Sulfuryl Fluoride Phosphine Phosphine Offgassing Rates Phosphine Uses, Pros and Cons Phosphine Health Risks Exclusion Zones Workplace Exposure Limits Fumigation Techniques Commodities Under Sheet Silos Ships Buildings Quick Quiz 2 - What have you learned? -
Environmental Fate Respiratory Protective Equipment Fumigant Labeling Volumes and Dosages Quick Quiz 4 - What have you learned? -
Detection Apparatus Detecting Fumigants Sorption and CTPs Measuring CTPs Resistance Busting Quick Quick 4 - What have you learned? -
First Aid and Transport Storage and Disposal Quick Quiz 5- What have you learned?