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Background to Stored Product Insects (SPI)
Insect Biology
The Pests
Pest Control
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How to use this course FREE PREVIEW Introduction to the Stored Product Insect Course FREE PREVIEW Before we begin... Who are We? Introduction to SPIs Pest or not-pest? -
Why Bother? Background to SPIs -
Insect Taxonomy Test your learning -
Insect Biology Exoskeleton Head Thorax Abdomen Life Cycle Test your learning -
The Pests Moths White Shouldered House Moth Brown House Moth Indian Meal Moth Flour and Mill Moth Moths how to spot them Moths how to stop them Beetles Weevils Weevils how to spot them Flour Beetles Flour Beetles how to spot them Flour Beetles how to stop them Hairy Fungus Beetle Beetles How to spot them Beetles how to stop them Mites Mites how to spot them Mites how to stop them Psocids Psocids how to spot them Test Your Learning -
Insect 100 Waste Management The Insecticides HCGA Good storage guide Test your learning -
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